[//]: # (Generate: ```pandoc --wrap=preserve -o ./index.html -f markdown+raw_attribute -t html ./markdown.txt```) ```{=html} Contact | Myron Heng ``` # [Contact](/) You can reach me on [Matrix/Element](https://matrix.to/#/@e3va:matrix.org). Alternatively, send an End-To-End Encrypted (E2EE) email: - Import my [PGP public key](/myronheng.asc). - Send your mail to [[m at myron heng dot com]](mailto:[replace this with m at myron heng dot com]). I prefer encrypted emails and plan to move away from non-encrypted mail eventually, so please use encryption if you can. For help with encryption, check out my [Thunderbird quick start guide](/thunderbird-quick-start-guide). I aim to respond within a week. Thanks for reaching out! ```{=html} ``` --- [Myron Heng](/) > Contact